Has there been a major Blink Tears price increase? If that’s what you think, you may be looking at the wrong store.
Don’t be fooled into paying too much for Blink Tears Eye Drops. The price can vary from store to store and from website to website, but here’s some information that will help keep you from paying too much.
I bought the first bottle of Blink Eye Drops I ever used at a Target store in Fort Worth, Texas. The standard 0.5-ounce bottle was just over $6. I use the Blink Tears formula for mild to moderate dry eyes, not the gel formula for more severe dry eyes problems.
In my experience since then, Walmart and Target usually charge the same price for drops, so I’ve picked up bottles at both places.
I was shocked when I visited a local Walmart in November 2011 and saw a new price: $9.12. Could the price have increased that much in just a few weeks? That’s a 30 percent increase over what I usually paid.
I was pleased to find that the Target store across the street offered the drops for $6.14 on the same day.
Even worse, however, was my shopping trip to Walmart in May 2012. Blink Tears had gone up to almost $11. On that day, Target was offering the drops for $7.49, a big savings once again.
If I hadn’t been a repeat buyer of Blink Tears, I wouldn’t have known how much they should cost, and I would have paid several dollars more than necessary for these very useful drops.
I thought there could have been a major Blink Tears price increase when I first noticed the out-of-control pricing in my area, but I was very glad there hadn’t been. I depend on these drops every day that I spend looking at a computer monitor. And since that’s my job, I do that at least four days a week.
A Better Idea
I’ve learned my lesson though. There’s no reason to buy Blink Tears at any local retail stores. The online price for these dry eye drops is usually even less. You can also find larger bottles as well as individual preservative-free vials online if you’re interested.
Even when the price comes close to the same as in local stores, there are no crowds to fight and no worrying that the product will be out of stock, outdated or priced incorrectly when you order online.
Still Working For Me
I have an admission: I’ve never tried any other brand of dry eyes drops. I used saline drops and allergy drops as well as artificial tears, but when I visited an optometrist, he told me those drops wouldn’t stay in my eyes long enough to do any good. He recommended Blink Tears, and they worked so well I’ve never tried anything else.
I wrote about Blink Tears here at Clear Your Eyes before, but when I recently discovered the pricing discrepancy, I decided to mention them again and try to keep you from being ripped off.
Blink Tears Eye Drops work well enough that I would pay much more for them, but don’t tell the manufacturer that. By making smart choices and staying educated about current prices, I intend to pay as little for them as possible.
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